Top 6 Rules of Studying

When it comes to studying, most people start worrying about what they should to do. They tend to cram and anxiously find ways to study better while ignoring basic rules of studying. Especially when the time for studying for board examinations arrives, students find themselves in a disarray and resort to counter-productive behavior. 
Here are the 5 main rules of studying.

Study Environment
Figure out the kind of environment you need to focus. For most people, studying in a quiet place works best. Choose a well-lit area and get rid of as many distractions as possible. Try to turn off notifications on your phone and desktop too.

Studying Material and Using Past Papers
When you sit down to study, you should be prepared. You will need some materials to help you study successfully, including old question papers and solutions. Most students prefer to use solved 5-year papers, and this helps you get a clear idea of the pattern you will have in your board exams’ question papers, no matter which board you're enrolled in -- Gujranwala, Federal, other Punjab boards or Sindh and KPK.

Don’t Rush
Follow your own pace and don’t rush unnecessarily. Because rushing may cause you to skip or forget key points, and it may also affect your memory retention. Choose a time when you have few responsibilities to study. Your mind will not be able to focus on studying when it’s distracted by upcoming tasks.

Use as Many Senses as Possible
Try to handwrite your notes and read your answers aloud. This is because your brain focuses on your own voice better, and writing things down by hand also gives you an edge with muscle memory.

Test Yourself
Quizzing and testing yourself, or asking someone else to, will allow you to learn how much you know and what else you need to do. After several repetitions, you will be impressed by how much you learned just from these quizzes.

Take Study Breaks
Allow yourself a short five-minute break every hour or two. Study breaks let your brain process the information you’ve just taken in, and let it refocus. Go for a walk during your short break, and get something to eat. Let your mind relax for a few moments. is an online education medium for the students of various educational boards of Pakistan, including Federal Board, Karachi Board, Peshawar Board, Abbottabad Board and Punjab Board. can provide you with solved past papers, key books, and animations to explain complicated concepts in your matric curriculum.