A good vocabulary is an essential tool to get through your English exam, be it secondary or intermediate board exams. Along with grammar, punctuation, and syntax, you have to improve your vocabulary during the exam preparation. It will help you a lot with the essay question as well as translation and idioms. It makes your expression more powerful.
Here are a few ways to improve your vocabulary:
Read Every Day
This tip is not for the time when you are immersed in doing exam preparation a few months before the board exam. Reading should be your habit throughout the year. Be it a novel, a magazine article, or news item, try to read a well-written piece daily. It will not just improve your vocabulary but sentence formation too.
Learn a New Word Daily
When you have a habit of reading daily, learning a new word every day would not be a problem for you. Make a list of words and learn their meaning. Try to use this new word in a sentence so that it ingrains in your memory. The secondary and intermediate board exams also include a question on idioms, phrases, and words. By doing this practice, you can easily prepare that portion of the paper.
Do Word Puzzles and Games
Many newspapers and magazines include word puzzles. It is a fun way to learn new vocabulary. Crossword puzzles sharpen your brain by making it rack your memory for words. There are many word games in the market that help you improve your vocabulary. Many game apps are available as well for the same purpose.
Attempt Online Vocabulary Tests
In this digital age, almost everything can be done online. E-learning is proving to be an effective way of education. You can use it to improve your language skills as well. Many websites provide vocabulary tests for their users. Search for a good one and use it to enhance your wordsmithing.