Board Exams: 12 Expectations vs. Realities

Board exams, such as the ones in FBISE, BISE Lahore, BIEK Karachi, BISE Peshawar, etc. are known to be a terrifying concept for all students in matric and intermediate. This is because these exams are often the moment of truth for all types of student, and their results in BISE exams strongly affects their future prospects in the professional world.

Even if you’re not looking that far into the future, you probably already have some expectations and ideas about what your board exams will be like.

Here are 6 expectations versus 6 realities about BISE exams:

  1. Expectation: the exam will be very organized

  2. Reality: board exams are always chaotic and disorganized. There will suddenly be a case of someone trying to cheat and getting caught, or spare sheets disappearing, or the powers going out in the exam halls.

  3. Expectation: the invigilator will be lenient

  4. Reality: invigilators are extremely strict

  5. Expectation: you will be done with your exam quickly

  6. Reality: board exams are very lengthy; it will take you a very long time to finish

  7. Expectation: there will be a way to cheat during the exam

  8. Reality: because of the strict environment, your chances of being able to cheat in your board exam will be very low

  9. Expectation: the invigilator will have necessary supplies like staplers and erasers

  10. Reality: you will simply be offered a piece of thread to attach your answer copies together and you will not be allowed to erase/hide any mistakes

  11. Expectation: the question paper will be an exact replica of all the past papers that you read during your exam preparation

  12. Reality: the makers of question papers always add new questions each year. Better to be cautious!

These were only a few expectations versus their realities in board exams. But, with these, you must have gotten a clearer idea of what will happen once you enter your exam hall. If you want to boost up the level of your studies, it is best to use high-quality study materials like the ones available on from solved past papers and book notes to interactive quizzes -- all types of resources can be found online. Good luck with your board exam preparation!