Important Topics for 9th Class Physics

As final exams loom over students' heads, they begin a frantic search to find important questions, topics, and guess papers that can help them. 9th class students, in particular, are desperate to find such information, as they do not have any experience giving board exams. 

Unfortunately, there are no real shortcuts to exam preparation of the 9th class physics final exam. It is important to cover the entire syllabus and solve all the previous 5 years 9th class physics solved past papers. This is the best way to guarantee good marks in the final exams. 

However, after the 9th class students have covered the entire physics syllabus and have completed all the physics solved past papers from the previous 5 years, then this list of important topics can come in handy for revision.

Important Topics for the 9th Class Physics Final Exam

  1. Introduction to physics - definition, scope, types, etc..
  2. Measurements - units of measurement, instruments, errors, scientific notation,
  3. Kinematics - dynamics & kinematics, speed, velocity, displacement, acceleration, rest and motion
  4. Motion and Force - Newton’s Law, frictional force
  5. Vectors - addition and subtraction, representation, multiplication, trig ratios, 
  6. Equilibrium - parallel forces, equilibrium of bodies
  7. Circular motion - law of gravitation, circular motion
  8. Work, Power, and Energy - whole chapter
  9. Machines - simple machines, types
  10. Properties of matter - Elasticity, Hook’s Law, surface tension, viscosity, properties
  11. Thermal physics - whole chapter

How to Prepare for the 9th Class Physics Final Exam
It is important to keep in mind that this is a general list of important topics for the 9th class physics exam. There may be some variations in the important topics and syllabus between different education boards. For example, some important topics in Federal Board may not be as important in Lahore Board. 

The best way to guarantee maximum exam preparation for the final exam, therefore, is to practice all the previous 5 years 9th class physics solved past papers for your particular education board. This way you will be well versed with the entire syllabus and will be able to identify the important topics that are specific to your education board. 

Premium quality solved past papers and other exam preparation resources are available on Here you will find all the previous 5 years 9th class physics solved past papers to help you prepare for all the important topics of your education board.

Good luck!