The Role of E-Learning in National Development

Pakistan is a developing country. Many of its sectors are underdeveloped, and the economic stance of the country has yet to recover after years of losses due to terrorism. Now, rebuilding the country, there are some things that the Pakistani population will have to incorporate into their lifestyles, and one of them is online education.  

E-learning is growing in popularity all over the world, with more and more universities and schools offering online degree programs. What does e-learning mean for the development of a country?
E-learning and National Development Pakistan contributes to a large part of the world's population of freelancers. This means that the people of Pakistan are well aware of the uses of technology and are keeping up with the world's growth.
This means that the adaption of e-learning into public and private schools, besides being offered independently online for individual non-traditional learning, will be more readily accepted. Some of the uses of e-learning for national development are:
Population. Pakistan is overpopulated, which means that the country has to educate more people than it has the resources for. Educational technology and tools are expensive, and so is hiring teachers. Online education is an investment that will allow Pakistan to educate the masses.
Learning Groups. The uneducated population in Pakistan is huge and is divided among different learning groups. E-learning can cover multiple learning groups at a time because of its learner-centered strategy.
Socioeconomic Gaps. Pakistan has wide gaps between the social and economic classes of the population. E-learning will overcome these differences and allow all classes to grow together.
As more people learn about e-learning each day in Pakistan due to the influence of social media and other sources, steps should be taken to make online education and modern educational technology more common. This will ensure that Pakistan develops rapidly.