How to Prepare Middle School Students for Matric

 Teaching middle school students, that is, students of 7th class and 8th class, can be tricky. This is because they are at a delicate stage where they are no longer children, but cannot be given the same responsibilities of college students. 

At the same time, there is a strong need to prepare them for matric level. This must be done strategically, without putting too much burden on the students.

As a teacher, therefore, it can be complicated to develop the right teaching strategies for middle school students. Finding a balance between assisting your students while also helping them become more independent is key. 

That being said, here are some helpful tips to help you prepare your middle school students for matric, without overwhelming them.

Instructional Scaffolding

Instructional scaffolding is a teaching strategy whereby teachers facilitate students throughout the learning process, and eventually release more responsibility to students. This helps them build their foundations, which builds confidence and allows them to become independent learners. This is commonly highlighted by the gradual release of responsibility model

For middle school students, instructional scaffolding is a useful technique. In the initial stages of teaching, you will guide them through each step of the learning process. This can be done by showing examples on the board, or walking students through all the steps of solving a question. 

Once they have become comfortable with the topic, you will gradually provide less assistance, and they will be responsible for solving the questions themselves. For example, assigning homework for them to complete themselves. After this point, the students will be capable of solving the chapter independently. 

Scaffolding will allow your students to gradually develop the independence needed at matric level. The responsibility that is instilled in them to self-study via scaffolding is key for their matric exam preparation. However, this independence is instilled slowly and gradually, to prevent them from becoming stressed out. 

Encourage Self-Study

At matric level, students are expected to self-study and conduct exam preparation on their own. There is no teacher to hold their hand throughout their past papers practice. Students who are not in the habit of studying independently therefore experience a shock when they enter matric. 

Therefore, as a middle school teacher, you should prepare your students for matric level by encouraging self-study. Take small steps to make students learn how to self-study. For example, assign your students the task of researching the topic that you are planning to teach in the next class. This way, they will be forced to read up and study on their own. Then they can come to class the next day with their questions. 

Moreover, design worksheets for your students that are similar to the matric past papers pattern. This should be assigned to them as homework after completing a chapter. This is a great way to put your students in the habit of practicing past papers independently. 

Open Discussion

Middle school students are at an age where they are capable of forming their own opinions. They are no longer children who cannot think for themselves. So, encourage your students to become critical thinkers by encouraging discussions. Rather than having one-sided lectures (that students do not pay attention to anyway), allow student participation in between. 

For example, end the lecture by asking your students for their opinion on the topic. For instance, after teaching the two-nation theory, your students should be able to explain why they think it was important or not. Alternately, pause in between your lecture to ask your students how they believe something works before teaching it. This will develop critical thinking skills in your students, which is necessary for the matric exams. 

Discussions will also allow students to become more confident. They will feel more comfortable asking questions when they are confused. This is a very good skill for students to have at matric level, since the final exams are based on the entire syllabus so students must have all their concepts clear.

Provide Exam Tips

Your students, especially 8th class students, probably have some fears about entering matric level. Address these fears and provide exam tips to help them become more prepared for the board exams. 

Start by asking them how they feel about entering matric. Explain the importance of appearing for board exams. This must be done carefully; you must encourage them to take their final exams seriously. But at the same time, you must mitigate their exam-related stress.

Providing exam tips can prove to be very helpful for when they appear for the 9th class final exams. Some tips that you should provide is:

  • How to effectively solve past papers for the best exam preparation

  • Tips for neat and attractive paper presentation

  • Stress management techniques to use in the examination hall

  • Strategies for effectively attempting final exams without wasting time

These tips will not only help students develop the best exam preparation routine when they enter matric, but it will also make them feel more confident in their ability to perform well. In the end, it should help mitigate their fears of the board exams. 

Implement these strategies into your teaching plan to help your middle school students effectively prepare for matric. This way, they will be able to smoothly transition from middle school to 9th class, with clear concepts and a good degree of independence. 

Image Ideas for Headings:

Instructional Scaffolding

Encourage Self-Study

Open Discussion

Provide Exam Tips