Here’s How To Actually Study At Home Effectively

Let’s face it, studying at home can be difficult. Not only is there no teacher or classroom rules to hold you accountable to sit in front of your books, but there’s an entire house full of distractions, from the television to the stocked kitchen, to your comfy bed! Obviously, it is all too easy for the lines between chilling at home and studying at home to get blurred. 

That being said, there are also many benefits to studying at home, if done effectively. It allows you to have complete control over your study routine, to develop the best study techniques that work for you, and to study at your own pace. So, if you want to actually make the most out of studying at home, then consider following these steps: 

Wake Up On Time
While it seems fun to roll out of bed at 12pm, walk to the kitchen in your PJs, enjoy a satisfying brunch, and then eventually amble over to your books to begin your exam preparation, you’ll find that it wastes several valuable hours in the day. Moreover, you’ll find yourself less inclined to self-study when you wake up each day with that relaxed mindset.

So, if you want to study successfully and effectively at home, then start the day earlier with a productive mindset. This doesn’t mean that you should be up and hunched over your desk at the crack of dawn. Even waking up at 9am will give you plenty of time to stretch, have breakfast, and be ready to study before the afternoon.

Schedule Your Daily Activities
Creating a schedule is a must if you want to maintain discipline while you study at home. Otherwise, you may find yourself doing the laundry when you should be solving past papers, sleeping at irregular hours throughout the day, and eating dinner and reading over notes simultaneously at midnight. 

When making your timetable, be sure to allow time for all your activities, not just for your studies. For example, give yourself plenty of time for exam preparation for each subject in between regular meal times, leisure time, exercise, and bedtime. 

Get Comfortable… But Not Too Comfortable
Find a designated area to study at home that is peaceful and comfortable, where you can study without any distractions. This study area should have all the study resources you need on hand, including a notebook, stationery, BISE past papers, textbooks, etc… so that you do not waste time looking for your resources from place to place. Moreover, this should be a place where you will not be easily interrupted by noisy television, family members, or electronic gadgets. 

While it is important to find a comfortable self-study environment for yourself, make sure that you don’t feel TOO comfortable. This means that you should avoid studying on your bed or on the sofa where you can easily drift off into a nap. Your study area should be a place where you remained focused and concentrated on your exam preparation.

Set Periodic, Realistic Goals
A great way to stay on track during self-study is to hold yourself accountable through frequent and achievable goals. For example, when you first sit down to study, set a goal to read one entire chapter of Physics within one hour. Once that has been completed, set another goal to make notes of that chapter within the next hour, then set a goal to solve BISE past papers for that chapter, etc… This way, you’ll be constantly working towards a tangible goal.

Feel free to take short breaks in between achieving these goals in order to refresh your mind and regain your energy. During this time you can have a quick snack, such as nuts or an apple, take a 10-minute stroll outside, or have a conversation with a sibling. However, remember to keep these breaks brief so that you do not break the momentum.

Past Papers
You may find it difficult to study at home because you lack direction and cannot determine whether you are actually making any progress in your exam preparation efforts. One great remedy for this is BISE past papers practice. Solving past papers of your relevant educational board, for example, Federal Board past papers from 2014 to 2018, will help steer your self-study in the right direction.

BISE past papers will help you understand the paper pattern, marks allocation, types of questions, constantly recurring topics, etc… Moreover, it is a great way to practice your writing abilities, time management skills, and to practice solving actual exam questions of each topic. Set a goal for yourself to study the previous 5 years past papers, e.g. Federal Board past papers from 2014 to 2018, for the best self-study exam preparation.

Consulting reliable solved past papers, which are available on, are also a great way to assess your self-study efforts. Solved past papers are developed by subject professionals according to the syllabus of the relevant educational board, e.g. Federal Board, Lahore Board, etc… so it is a great way to determine how well prepared you are for the board exam. Obtain the solved past papers of your educational board, for example, solved Federal Board past papers from 2014 to 2018, and compare them to your own solutions in order to perform a self-assessment.

Considering adopting some of these methods to help you make the most of your exam preparation while you study at home. This will prevent you from falling into an unproductive self-study trap. Good luck!